Vacation on the farm in South Tyrol South Tyrol




via Medardo 8

I-39021 Tarres/Laces (BZ)

Mwst. Nr.:

tel. +39 0473/62 20 85

CIN: IT021037B5BIZU272K

Project & realization:

WebTeam 2000 s.r.l.
Via Covelano 24-22
I-39028 Silandro (BZ)

Mwst. Nr.: 02367590219

tel. 335 - 277190
fax: 0473 730559

Webteam 2000


All the indications on the website from Stadlgut have been checked with great care. Despite this fact we can't assume any responsibility or guarantee for the correctness, the completeness and the updatedness of the data. This is also true for all the other homepages indicated by a link.
The WebTeam2000 s.r.l. firm doesn't take any responsibility for the contents of the homepages. We reserve ourselves the right to update, change or complete the homepage with information or data.


The data supplied by you are only used for the processing of your enquiry and are not passed on other persons (according to law no. 665/669 on privacy: according to art. 10 and 13 of the law no. 675 of 31/12/1996 and following alterations which regard the treatment of personal data). We distance ourselves from all kind of spam ads and always try hard to avoid unwanted and unnecessary e-mails.